Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Beta 52a

Today I'll be reviewing the Shure Beta 52a

The Shure Beta 52a is large diaphragm dynamic microphone designed specially for kick drums, bass cabs, and other low-frequency intensive sources. The frequency range on this microphone is awesome! It picks up the really lows, but can also pick up highs for overtones in your sound. Whenever I use this on my kick drums it gives it a nice punch, but my bass drum is also naturally punchy being a smaller size.

This microphone can also make a killer vocal microphone since it's responding frequencies are broad, and it's a dynamic microphone so it won't pick up TOO much and can be used for live sound

The only drawback that I've noticed is that sometimes the frequencies are too broad, and you have to rolloff the ending frequencies to make it sound cleaner and usuable

 The Shure Beta 52a can be picked up for a little over $150 USD, and can also come in a sweet mic package that comes with this and 3 SM57s, which I'll get to another day


  1. i wish i had one of these for my kick drum, it would make my kit a lot more fun

  2. I need to record some stuff, actually, and this seems pretty good. Too bad about broad frequencies though.

  3. The broad range can be fixed by rolling off the eq at the really low frequincies and sometimes the high

  4. Those are awesome. I remember the drummer in my band from high school had the worst kick drum mic. I could never hear anything!

  5. Looks great, all I need is a kick drum.

  6. Thanks for this. Pretty interesting review

  7. I like the design of it, looks kinda retro almost.

  8. I'll have to show this to my friend. It looks pretty cool.

  9. Seems a bit pricy for me. Hope it's worth the money.

  10. that's expensive, but i may invest in one to improve my sound quality

  11. Looks röy cool, to bad i cant drumm xD

  12. Every musician needs a shure or two, indestructable mics!

  13. I need to save up for a good mic. Man, fuck being poor.

  14. I'm too poor to buy one of these :-(
